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sweet cheeks

Misha Cross has been so busy studying for her exams that she hasn t been able to pay the proper attention to Marcus Dupree s cock, so when he finds the Polish teen hottie has fallen asleep studying, he just can t wait to take advantage of her laying on the bed in her pink and black polka dot lingerie and bright fuchsia knee high socks. He runs his hands along her lithe body and nuzzles his head between her sweet ass cheeks, slowly arousing the juices within her so that she awakens horny and begging for his cock. Misha first takes Marcus hard cock down her throat and then spreads her creamy thighs so Marcus can fuck her nonstop, making sure to make up for lost time, until he shoots a load into her tight pussy.

  • 00:26:32
  • Feb 05, 2014
  • 341


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