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yummy all the way

Wow, Emma Leigh is a really tasty looking doll today! A lot of guys would love to be her Valentine this week, that’s for sure! The blue-eyed British stunner with that fantastic smile, cute pert nose, and oh-so-sexy freckles tempts us with her curves in her snug turquoise frock, then flirts with her 34DDD/E cleavage once she gets down to her sea-green bra and thong.Laying across a bed, she sucks on a long blue toy that gets to visit the best places, namely, her incredibly alluring mouth and snug pussy! It’s hard not to envy that toy being pressed up against her slit under the lacy crotch panel while she pulls apart her thighs and looks at us in such a delightfully mischievous manner! She sticks the toy in her quim and poses in the most breath-taking way, looking especially wonderful on her knees with her butt facing in our direction and her pink polished fingers pulling apart her cheeks and rosebud.Yummy all the way! Savor this glamour porn goddess in nude pics and a Full HD erotic glamour porn video by DDF Network!

  • 00:25:40
  • Feb 09, 2014
  • 349


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