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the step son - part 1: naughty little secrets...

*This Taboo Foot Fetish Fantasy is dedicated to all of my pets out there who happen to have a step mom, or step mom, with undeniably beautiful feet like mine! It was filmed for those of you who have found yourselves lost in their soft, delicious soles, wondering in hopeful fantasy, if one day you might find yourself licking every wrinkled inch…

My Step Son has a foot fetish. This became abundantly obvious to me shortly after marrying his step father. Every time he would come over to our house to visit, I would notice him stealing glances at my pretty polished toes and sexy, succulent soles…

In no time at all, this evolved to me completely catching him looking! He would stare with lust at my soft, buttery soles, while I relaxed on the couch with them propped up on the arm, until he would notice me looking at him! Only now, instead of quickly looking away, he would smile with love at me and then slowly draw his gaze back to my gorgeous feet! He was clearly getting braver

  • 00:11:23
  • Oct 20, 2024
  • 36

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