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car ride tease & denial feat astrodomina & the slayer

I ve had Slayer in a cage for a while now.. he better focus while I m teasing the hell out of him!

Goddess Sydney is on a drive with Slayer, and she suddenly thought of a fun challenge. She s had him locked up for an entire week now and his balls are insanely swollen and aching. So she thought it would be fun to tease the fuck out of him to pass the time. She inspects his nuts which are indeed extra large and he winces just from her touching them. Seeing how sensitive he is to her touch, she takes out a vibrator, turns it on and puts it right on his cage. He can barely keep it together while she laughs at his desperation but he knows he has to focus on driving.

She plans to take him out of his cage, but not before she gets off first! So she takes the vibrator and starts using it on herself while his eyes are stuck on the road. He has to suffer in frustration listening to her moans as she gets off, knowing just how much it s tormenting him. After she has her own orgasm, sh

  • 00:11:53
  • Oct 18, 2024
  • 130

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