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jerk it for me step-daddy (elaina raye s ass) - jerk off instructions

Your step daughter Elaina is scared to rest in her room and she wants to spend the night with you. There might be something underneath her bed, she thinks. Please? Pretty please? You agree and she hops into your bed wearing just a bra and panties. You have a look at her and you begin to think that this might be a bad idea. The bulge in your pants surprises her a little, but as long as you promise not to tell her step-mom, there might be a solution. Elaina wants to see it and she promises not to tell her step-mom. Honest! Wow! That dick is so very big that she thinks you will need to use both hands to handle it. Since she is 18 and not related to you, is this really wrong? You do not think so, so you continue to stroke yourself. In fact, Elaina cannot resist and she starts to play with her pussy. When she takes off her bra, you almost spill your seed right then and there. Her tiny tits are so very perky and fresh - and nothing like her step-mother s old, saggy tits. As if things could g

  • 00:09:07
  • May 30, 2024
  • 14


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