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meeting hot diapered stripper vika dl video

You re at a gentlemens club, diapered under your clothing of course, and a cute girl walks by... but she looks... bulky... No way!? Could this hot girl be padded underneath?! She walks by again & engages you in conversation. WHy yes, you d love a lap dance. You can totally see the bulk underneath her thin, short dress. When she turns around, you can totally see the outline of the ABDL diaper print through her dress. You ask about it and Vika starts telling you about why she needs to wear diapers. Wow! She even lets you feel her diaper... She tells you a secret... she peed in it earlier! She notices how hard you are under your pants & puts her hands on your crotch.... OMG, she feels your diaper too & is shocked you re both wearing diapers! She starts grinding her diaper on yours, harder & faster until you cum in your diaper!! She feels it and suggests she change your diaper in the bathroom. Hottttt

  • 00:07:54
  • Oct 17, 2024
  • 56

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