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black seamless pantyhose fuck- who s really in charge?

Dressed in my black seamless pantyhose, I start with a slow, tantalizing tease, just for your eyes to enjoy. Then, I slowly turn my attention to your eagerly awaiting cock. My hands, lips, and tongue explore every inch of it, grazing it so softly that you can feel the warmth of my body.

Then, I place myself on top of you, rubbing your cock against my pantyhose-covered pussy, drawing out every ounce of anticipation. You’re so close to losing control, but before you can, I’ll keep it.

Still on top of you, I let your cock slide between my thighs, let you enter my body while your cock is fully covered by my wet pantyhose. Do you feel the warmth of my pussy and tension of the nylon on your cock? I love the eagerness building in your body, in both your mind and your cock. Can you still control yourself, or are you ready to take control over me and make me yours? fucking me hard and eventually spreading all your warm cum over my pantyhose-covered pussy?

  • 00:10:55
  • Oct 15, 2024
  • 380

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