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abdl not a halloween costume fantasy

What better time to be out in public as yourself than Halloween right?? No one will know it s NOT a costume for you. Your ABDL-Mommy tells you the bad news; she shrunk your favorite costume... whoops! We don t have much time since adult trick or treating is starting in your neighborhood soon, so why not just use what you already have & dress like an AdultBB!? Haha... yup, lay down so Diaperperv can diaper you. Let s see what diaper she picks for you. Then she picks out a cute shirt, a huge bib and what AB caricature isn t complete without one of those HUGE, OVERSIZED bonnets!? You gotta hold her hand out there & really play the part, hehe. The neighbors think you look so cute!! They really think you went all out for the costume. She even diaper checks you & you ve already piddled in it. Later on, your pillowcase is getting heavy & she checks your diaper again... it s REALLY WET! She knows the lady in the next house, she s part of her book club. Maybe she ll be ok with

  • 00:13:00
  • Oct 13, 2024
  • 36


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