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wet & wild - shower foot indulgence

In this intimate and sensual foot-focused video, the dominatrix takes viewers into the shower for a personal and natural experience, with her feet as the star of the scene. The video opens with a close-up of her feet as she steps into the shower, revealing her bright yellow toenails, polished to perfection. As soon as she enters the shower and the water begins to flow, she reflexively urinates—an act that many people instinctively do when stepping into the shower. The stream is visible as it flows down, mingling with the running water at her feet, providing a raw and natural start to the scene.

The focus remains on her feet as the water from the shower cascades down her body, trickling over her legs and down to her feet and toes. Every droplet is captured as it runs between her toes, highlighting the sensuality of the moment. As the shower progresses, she begins to lather her skin, and the rich soap suds slide effortlessly down her body, pooling around her feet. The sight of the

  • 00:16:17
  • Oct 07, 2024
  • 22


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