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gabi - bondage, foot tickling, armpit tickling and belly tickling

Gabi was restrained again, this time with nylon straps on her legs and tape on her wrists. I left her lying on the floor, so I could explore tickling her armpits, belly and of course, her big and sexy soles!

As soon as my hands touched her armpits, she squirmed and disobeyed the position I ordered her to stay in. So I tied her wrists to the bed leg, making it impossible for her to raise her arms again and leaving her armpits completely at my disposal.

I like women s armpits. They are moist, warm and touching them excites me. Women s armpits are also perfect to admire, especially with the sub in bondage, completely restrained and at my complete disposal.

I started tickling again and Gabi suffered. Her armpits are very sensitive, as are other parts of her body. I like how she squirms and how she reacts, with laughs that sound like moans, and I find that very sexy.
At this point I am already excited and I go to her belly. She has a belly button piercing and I don t

  • 00:15:38
  • Oct 06, 2024
  • 106


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