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blurring the lines! (part 2)

The tricky thing about allowing yourself to be tied up, is that no matter how in control you think you are, you 100% lose some element of that control when you’re strapped completely naked to a bed! Helpless, stretched out and wildly fucking the air in horny desperation… I didn’t FEEL in control!

The need to cum, mixed with the the conflicting addiction to his skillful teasing, was blurring the lines of my mind! These lines only got more blurry, as he finally slipped off one of my slippers without warning, and began to scribble his fingers firmly all over my soles and in my toes, while holding our very powerful vibrator to my aching clit! I exploded like the fourth of July in pure, shaking, orgasmic bliss!
FINALLY, it was time to cum my brains out and I was really!!!

As soon as my first wave of orgasms were done, he gently thrust the pulsing vibrator into my pussy, while lowering his warm, skillful tongue onto my clit. HOLY FUCK! Another orgasm quickly turned into a do

  • 00:10:33
  • Oct 03, 2024
  • 26


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