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blurring the lines! (part 1)

Yesterday, I was extremely fucking horny ALL DAY at work. All I wanted was to to be strapped to the bed, completely naked, and have my pussy teased until I was quivering in pleasure and moaning loudly through huge multiple orgasms!

I always get what I want… So 5 minutes after walking in the door, I was happily naked and strapped to my bed, excited to have my helpless body ravished! (Myles made one small adjustment. As soon as I took my heels off, he slipped my sweaty feet into my thick, cozy slippers…)

If I were new to the foot fetish world, I would have been confused, but I’m not, and I knew exactly why he did it: To keep my already sensitive feet staying extremely sensitive. Most likely to make me even more horny when he licks, sucks and tickles my helpless feet. I didn’t care what he did. All I knew is that I was going to be teased until I was air humping the ceiling, thrusting my hips in horny bliss, and then finally allowed to cum so many times I’d lose count!

  • 00:13:09
  • Oct 02, 2024
  • 37


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