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marrying into findom feat astrodomina

Well hello hubby! Aren t you lucky having me as your trophy wife?

You re at home with your wife Sydney, who is just relaxing at home after you ve spent all day at work. She wanted to talk to you about how amazing it must be for you, being married to such a hot trophy wife. She loves the huge house, her designer clothes, all the luxuries of life she gets - all paid for by you of course! She knows you have to work extra long hours in order to afford everything, but you love being her provider don t you?

She explains how she is the queen of your world, and loves how submissive and loyal you are to her all while she brags about spending your money. She can see the tent in your pants that you love hearing her talk about it. She s basically your unapologetic financial Domme, and your job is to work and pay for whatever she wants!

She takes you around her giant mansion, um she meant our giant mansion.. the huge rooms, the amazing decorations, the glorious pool in the l

  • 00:12:20
  • Oct 02, 2024
  • 49


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