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male wetting audio shoplifter gets busted and pisses jeans

This is based ON A TRUE STORY, about 26 years ago, when I was in Asset Management & Loss Prevention. I busted a guy shoplifting and he wet his blue jeans in front of me. I had to be professional and NOT LAUGH or point at him but this is a fantasy audio so we re just gonna replay this scenario in a hotter & more fun way!!
I approach and apprehend you outside the store exit, asking for the item back that you concealed in your jacket pocket. You hand it over & I tell you to go back into the store so I can take your picture and ban you from the store. You re already fidgeting & embrassed about the situation, but me being me, I don t make it any better. We get back to my office & you can t conceal your need to pee, squirming and fidgeting. I tell you it ll only take 5 mins, I just need to take pics of your ID and you sign a form adknowleding you re banned for a year. Of course, my camera needs batteries and I need to print another form. You start spurting in

  • 00:13:24
  • Sep 21, 2024
  • 18


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