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foursome with 2 female sadists and 1 latex doll

Completely dressed in latex Miss Flora and Miss Yara sit provocatively on the bed. Slave Cosmo lies fixated on it, but is ignored for now. The two call their little doll, a charming young woman with erotic curves dressed in a black latex catsuit. Together they oil the dolly until it shines all over.

However, Miss Flora then gets other ideas. She wants to enjoy some togetherness with Miss Yara. The latex doll is sent to the corner and the two begin to make out intimately. However, the activity is abruptly interrupted all too soon when Miss Flora notices out of the corner of her eye that the little doll is making a move on the fixed slave.

An inadmissible act, the two dominas quickly agree. The doll denies any responsibility and the culprit is quickly found. Cosmo! He must be punished.

For this, the metal ring is put on him, which is additionally fixed to the balls. Then the punishment is clear. The three will try to make him as hard as possible.

The little do

  • 00:05:36
  • Sep 24, 2024
  • 65


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