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berlin shower fuck

I had to meet up with Alan again for another fuck- We had such a great connection on our first time! The next day I sent him a message for him if he would like to take a shower with me. He was actually in the area and said that he would be over within 20 minutes. I quickly tidied up my bathroom and got myself (and my hole) ready for another great bareback fuck. We started off with a good deep throat to get his cock really hard. I could take his pre-cum in my throat and decided it was time for penetration. I stood up and bent over in front of him-pushing me hold onto his cock. Alan quickly Flip the tables round and put me towards the bathroom wall- so that he could have full control of how deep and how hard he would fuck me. He fucked me like a SLUT, exactly the way I liked. He grabs my hips and asked his cock in and out of my hole until he came inside. The scene ends with a nice little kiss in the end.

  • 00:22:18
  • May 31, 2023
  • 16


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