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you decide - dualscreen - spanking

Lili visited me and told me, what she wants me to do with her and her beautiful bottom!
She had to take a very hard spanking with my hand, a flogger, cane, the cooking spoon and some other implements.
You will see and hear her moaning, screaming and crying, thanks to the implemented face-cam. Look her in the tearful eyes!!
Also this video comes with subtitles, explaining the hot scenery. It shows the recordings of both used cameras in dualscreen-mode!
Models: Johnny, Lili
Language: GER
Subtitles: ENG
Duration: 26:34 min
Spanking Intensity: Hard
Lili visited me and told me, what she wants me to do with her and her beautiful bottom!
She had to take a very hard spanking with my hand, a flogger, cane, the cooking spoon and some other implements.
You will see and hear her moaning, screaming and crying, thanks to the implemented face-cam. Look her in the tearful eyes!!
Also this video comes with subtitles, explaining the hot scenery. It shows the recording

  • 00:26:23
  • Jun 07, 2021
  • 21


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