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cereal tiny feat astrodomina

Good morning, tiny! Do you what always completes my healthy, balanced breakfast? Why, you of course!

You ve woken up with your giant Goddess Sydney and she s brought you in the kitchen to have breakfast with her. She s poured herself a bowl of cereal and is looking at you kind of funny. You re not sure what s up but the look on her face has you quite scared. Your fears are confirmed.. you know, you re really only the size of one of those cereal bits, and she tells you that when she s finished with the bowl, you are going to be the main course!

She laughs at the look on your face as you realize today you will meet your fate inside her mouth and down her throat. But not to worry, you still have some time to watch her finish her cereal, knowing that with each mouthful your time draws closer. She makes you watch as she takes one spoonful after another in her mouth, describing how that s going to be you very soon.

There s not much cereal left, and you can t help but wa

  • 00:13:54
  • Sep 20, 2024
  • 29


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