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never leave her bored, horny & alone

On the weekends, me, Kyle, and Michael always have our basketball tournaments. We’re always ready to go and do our thing on the court. Kyle lives closer to Michael, so I’m usually the one that’s arriving late. However, when I get to the house, it is unusually quiet. I don’t see Kyle, Michael, or his mother, Mallory. I call out and still get no answer. So I decide to check on Mallory to see where everyone is, and to my surprise, I walk into her room, and Kyle is balls deep in Michael’s mother! I couldn’t believe it! Still in shock, I asked him, “What the fuck was he doing?” And before he could even answer, Mallory looked up and said, Why don’t you join? How the fuck could I turn that down? So instead of basketball, we end up shoving our dicks in Mallory’s holes instead.

  • 00:24:05
  • Sep 17, 2024
  • 1159


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