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pretty in pink chastity feat astrodomina

You want to show me how devoted you are? Let s lock up your cock and see how you deal with that!

As Sydney s devoted slave, there is something you have never done for your Goddess. And that s being put in chastity. Sydney takes chastity very seriously and as such, she has determined that you re going to be locked up into your first ever chastity cage. And you will have to endure it no matter how hard it will become. When she locks you up, your manhood will be locked away for however long she sees fit. Three days, a week, a month. Whatever it takes to teach you discipline.

Take a look at that chastity device. You ll soon find out that when you get a hard on, it will hurt. So keep your boner in check! Also, you will have to go to the bathroom while wearing it. Deal with it. And make sure Sydney s chastity cage stays clean. And when you are having a hard time enduring the experience, just remind yourself that Sydney has the key and there is really nothing you can do to get

  • 00:12:32
  • Sep 15, 2024
  • 44


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