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new bully ra on campus (atomic) wedging as dress code punishment

There is a new RA on the college campus and of course Sydney and my first run in with her was so unpleasant. Ms. Jane comes running into the gym to tell us that our dress code was against school policy and we better go change cause we look super inappropriate. We got to arguing with her because like have YOU seen how big her tits are in that low cut shirt? How do Sydney and I get bullies by someone who isn t modest either?! But, to not cause trouble for the future, I intervene between Sydney and Jane and I tell Jane she can do anything she wants to me for 3 minutes and then she has to leave us alone. Ms. Jane chose wedging us, and wedging me so hard with an atomic wedgie that my thong rips right in half. Ms. Jane really made our cracks sore!

  • 00:08:51
  • Sep 14, 2024
  • 348


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