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fucked unstuck

Milfilicious Miss Raquel makes men mad in her new stuck fetish two-part featurette!

Part 2 : Stuck Fetish Hardcore

Raquel is completing her laundry for the day, and she leans deep into the washer to place her clothes in, only to find herself totally stuck! She wiggles and squirms and tries to squeeze out, but her hair is caught and she is stuck. Fortunately, she has her phone in the washer with her, so she calls for a handyman to come and help her out, even though she is completely naked with her big PAWG ass in the air. The dispatcher tells her it will be quick, so Raquel waits. Only a minute or so later, the door opens and a man asks her if he can help her out. Raquel is SO RELIEVED to have the handyman there so quickly, and asks to be helped out of the washer. There is a silence, then Raquel feels a tongue on her cunt and hands spreading her ass. The handyman is devouring her pussy! Raquel moans with pleasure as her pussy gets wetter and wetter with each

  • 00:22:11
  • Sep 13, 2024
  • 61


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