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empresses little snack feat astrodomina

As my power over the world grows, all the men in the world start to shrink!

You re a prince from a small country who came to visit Empress Sydney, whose country has nearly conquered the entire world. This is partially due to her incredible beauty and prowess, but also her magical powers and mighty armies. Understanding your weak position, you came to plead your complete loyalty. You tell her about your country and she seems almost bored. It s such a tiny nation she barely even knew it s there, but she accepts your offer to be ruled by her, in exchange for her allowing your small country to keep existing.

Fast forward ten years, and you ve come to visit her again after being summoned. After you aligned with her, she slowly and steadily took over one nation after another, and now completely dominates the entire region. Not just through military might, but also by using her powers to shrink all the leaders of the other nations, including you. Her voice echos above you as she

  • 00:18:14
  • Sep 13, 2024
  • 58


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