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nurses diaper cum and change messy diaper

It s nurse month here at Diaperpervs store I suppose. Homecare nurses Cheyenne & new trainee Bella come in while your wife is gone back to work. Cheyenne isn t phased at all but Bella is a little surprised. She s never checked an adult wearing a diaper before but she does so with Cheyennes instructions. They put gloves on their hands. Cheyenne also notices that you haven t messed in 2 days but she has a solution for that! 1 suppository for each day. She opens your wet diaper to insert them but doesn t think it s far enough in so she takes out a long, thin dildo & instructs Bella to use it to shove it all the way up your colon, LOL. OMG, these nurses are having too much fun. They tape up your diaper so you can totally PUSH and mess it! Cheyenne has a treat for you! She pulls out a vibrator to make you cum in your wet, messy diaper but Bella puts her gloved hand down your diaper to stroke you. Cheyenne uses the vibrator over your diaper while Bella jacks you off in your diaper &a

  • 00:14:23
  • Sep 13, 2024
  • 255


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