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nicoletta s sweaty slippers big smelly feet

Nicoletta was a sporty girl, she loved running and playing soccer with her friends. But she had a problem: she sweated a lot, even after moderate physical activity. Her shirts were always soaked, her hair was stuck to her forehead, and her hands were slippery. This made her uncomfortable, especially when she had to interact with others after sports.
Sometimes, after a game, she avoided shaking hands with her opponents or hugging her teammates. She felt embarrassed, as if her body was betraying her. She had tried several deodorants, but none of them seemed to really work. And let alone her feet!
One day, while she was drying herself after a run, she noticed that her hands were completely wet, so much so that they left fingerprints on the table.
Even though the sweating didn t disappear completely, she learned to manage it better and not let it influence her. She understood that she didn t have to be ashamed of her body and that sports were still an important part of her life. A

  • 00:13:07
  • Sep 10, 2024
  • 17


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