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two babes and a squirt! 932h

Two pairs of big boobs touching, two pairs of naked feet rubbed together, and two blondies horny as hell after a little lingerie get together! That s what Rita and Angelina lets us film for you here. Angelina goes straight for Rita s cooter with her tongue from the rear and it just heats up from that point so pull out your tally whackers and top these girls off with some cream. I promise you, it s exactly what they are expecting from you!
The bodies on these two are something else. Rita with her 36D melons and Angelina with her long, curvaceous legs and artfully trimmed twat. A feast for the eyes and a curse for our brains which will want to be between their thighs! Oh and how about a little surprise in the form of Angelina pissing a golden stream right into a blue dish! She s the hottest fountain i ve ever soon and i m pretty sure i d open my mouth wide to get a taste of that!

  • 00:01:58
  • Feb 26, 2002
  • 20


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