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an exciting role play with the super sensual italian stepmother

My name is Nicoletta, and my passion is socks. Not just any socks, though. I collect socks in every color imaginable.
I still remember the first pair of colored socks I received as a gift: they were yellow and blue stripes, and I loved them. From that moment on, I started to want socks in every color and pattern.
Every time I went shopping, I stopped in front of the windows of the clothing stores, admiring the infinite variety of socks on display. Polka dots, stripes, flowers... every pattern fascinated me, and I dreamed of owning them all.
Over the years, my collection has grown enormously. I have long socks, short socks, fishnet socks, wool socks, cotton socks... every model in every color and pattern imaginable. I even have a pair of socks with rainbow unicorns that glow in the dark.
My sock drawer has become a riot of colors and patterns. The socks are neatly arranged, creating an explosion of joy every time I open it. It s like entering a magical world, full of surpris

  • 00:17:59
  • Sep 09, 2024
  • 12


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