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spouse’s bff surprises cheating fiance with creampie - virah payam

My BFF’s spouse, Virah, invited me into her room over her wedding weekend. She told me she really had to talk to me and she didn’t know who else she could talk to. She was really hesitant and distant at first but I expressed she could trust me. Almost on the verge of tears, she told how terrible her sex life has been. She hasn’t came in months unless she has alone time and my friend never puts out. I had to reassure her it’s okay to feel like that and if she needed anything I was there. Finally, she told me how badly she wanted to see what I had in store because she heard from all her friends how great my dick was. I was hesitant but I’ve always wanted to fuck and I’m the best at keep secrets. We went for it and we started making out. I made my way down her body as she slid my cock deep down her throat. I’ve always wanted her and I was throbbing. After several different positions and a night of crazy wild sex, I filled up her tight wet pussy with cum.

  • 00:37:52
  • Apr 08, 2023
  • 27


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