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annoyed cheerleader draining tutor s cock - immeganlive

POV guy is a college tutor and he was helping me with some work. When I go to tip him for the help, he declines and pulls out his dick suggesting he finds me really attractive and doesn t mind helping me if I help him (get off)! I roll my eyes and find myself annoyed and disgusted but free is free so what s some dick going to hurt? So, I’m annoyed, but whatever, I tug on his dick for a handjob. However, it s taking too long for my liking, so reluctantly I escalate it to a blowjob, hoping to get him off faster so he will leave already! I tell him he better not cum in my mouth. Unfortunately, he cums in my mouth anyways. Annoyed and disliking it, I spit the cum back out onto his dick and voice my frustrations! But at least I finally rewarded him back so he can leave already!

  • 00:12:05
  • Jul 27, 2023
  • 615


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