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fuck with the apartment owner 7499h

Hi there Guy s It s me, Miki, well it seems to be true what they say about who you know because once Franco the apartment man knew we were friends of Lola and Kristine and that we knew club owner George, and I m sure that fucking we gave him didn t hurt a bit. He s been overly nice, even though we couldn t afford that one flat he found us a nice place that we could. He cums by and visits and makes sure every thing is okay, he�s really funny like a big . He called me last night and asked if I wanted to play today, I knew Cherry had a lunch date so some company would be nice. Franco walked in holding a bunch of balloons in his hand, he�s such a nut he�s always doing something to make me laugh. He lifted and kissed my feet then he started rubbing my legs. He tossed the bouquet of balloons my way and began rubbing my legs and ass all over. He sat next to me and pulled up my top and began sucking on my tits and kissing me on my lips. I slipped off my panties and Franco pulled out his big bl

  • 00:09:57
  • Dec 25, 2005
  • 62


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