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all about my long sexy legs and feet 6751h

Hey Guys It s me Jennifer Stone, cumming to you from Ibiza. I laid out yesterday working on my tan but today it s all about my long sexy legs and feet. I got myself all dolled up and then I slipped on my cute little white skirt, I had my flip â?? flops on earlier but when I heard that you would be cumming the naughty girl in me tossed those to the side for my cute ankle-high socks and my highest heels. I walked around the garden strutting my stuff and shaking my sexy ass, lifting my skirt and turning my body, making sure that you get a good look before taking off my top. I got down on my hands and knees and crawled my sexy ass across the grass on all fours, looking back over my shoulder just to make sure that you werenâ??t far behind. I sat on the grass with my legs spread wide open and started touching myself in my most private spot, moving my hand up and down and letting my fingers do the rest. I leaned back and lifted my legs up high above my head, rubbing my legs u and down and pla

  • 00:03:59
  • Sep 14, 2007
  • 30


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