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do socks make the stud?

One of the great debates of modern times has been whether its the mark of a stud or a doofus to keep your socks on when youre getting action. No less than the former governor of New York was raked over the coals in a sex scandal when it was discovered that he not only patronized prostitutes, but that he kept his socks on during sex! And so our scene with Aneta J. and Roger presents us not only with an exciting oral encounter wherein the comely blonde takes on Rogers rod with a smile and a deep throating enthusiasm, but also gives us an opportunity to ponder this socks question as Roger keeps his black ones on while Aneta feasts on his prong. Maybe his circulation causes him to get cold feet and hes more comfortable with the socks, but they certainly dont seem to bother Aneta as she works her mouth over his meat and sticks her pussy on his face so she can get a little tongue pleasure too on her pie. Yes, black socks seem far from her mind as her tongue laps at his log and her lips

  • 00:15:14
  • Mar 17, 2013
  • 44


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