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sissy slut wake-up when alone at home on week-end

I m a real Sissy Slut and I really love sleeping and waking up in erotic lingerie, especially when I don t have to rush anywhere in the morning and I wake up alone. At this moment I relax as I want. Morning erections are usually so sudden and strong that you can get rid of them only if you come well. I woke up and turned on a porn channel to enhance the emotional component. But just to ejaculate isn t fun, and it s not that exciting. That s why I always try to wear beautiful lingerie that excites me, even when I m sleeping. One could argue that this is not exactly comfortable for sleeping. I recommend trying to sleep like this, it’s really comfortable and creates a unique feeling, especially since this is special underwear for Sissy Sluts.

  • 00:21:00
  • Nov 11, 2023
  • 36


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