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mesmerised models transformed into helpless stone statues

Having already entranced Eryn Rose and Jenby Doll into becoming mindless poseable mannequins for their artistic endeavours. Imaginatrix and Sinister Denial decide they want to keep these two for a really long time! They position the naked doll s stiff bodies into a mockery of intimacy before painting them all over with bentonite clay to solidify them into a permanent cement art piece. Eryn and Jen are helpless to move or resist as the beautiful artists slather them with cool slimy clay, making sure to get it into every nook and crevice so there will be no escape! Once the body paint has started to set Sinister snaps their mind s back to reality and Eryn and Jen share frightened looks as they discover they are quite literally petrified, unable to move anything more than their eyes.

This hot transformation fantasy scene also include a little bit of behind the scenes afterwards so you can see we all had a great time.

  • 00:13:08
  • Aug 23, 2024
  • 56


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