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destruction in tutus

Mister J had both Misty and I kneel down in front of him in our cute little tutus, getting ready to do some crazy stuff! Mister J has me inform Misty and himself about what I want them to do to me, and they get pretty excited. Misty starts first on my face, using her open hand to slap me a couple times, then she closes her hand to use it in the same spot and punches me in the eye several times. Misty then switches places with Mister J so he can use a closed hand on the same spot Misty did, while I ask for more and more! Misty then gives me all of the cuddles and kisses afterwards. I had such a great time!!!! tags: slapping, face slapping, tears, crying, running makeup, girl girl, tutus, stockings, fishnet, bdsm, domination, bruise, after care, punch
This is a really unique video, I ve never seen anything like it anywhere else!
(8 mins - b/g/g)

  • 00:08:44
  • Mar 23, 2022
  • 307


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