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dsc18-1) brooke lyn sandra moore two girls give deepthroat blowjob and swallow along with strap-on tease

De Sade Club 18-1 “Shakespeare Sucks” starring Brooke Lyn, Sandra Moore, Ciaran O’More and Harry Grey
Ciaran has the crazy idea to rehearse a Shakespeare soliloquy he wants to perform in community theatre. Harry thinks it would be fun to provide some “distractions” so Ciaran can get used to being in front of an audience. As Ciaran begins his monologue Harry brings out Brooke and Sandra to “distract” him. The girls get undressed then proceed to undress Ciaran. Once all are naked the girls take turns giving Ciaran a blow job and/or teasing him with a giant strap-on dick. After Ciaran manages to stumble his way through the soliloquy he sits down on the couch and gets his dick sucked by both girls. Sandra starts the play then Brooke takes over and brings it to a completion that she swallows. Harry steps in at the end to see if Ciaran could get through the entire soliloquy.

  • 00:20:34
  • Jul 23, 2024
  • 37


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