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i gave free yoga classes to my neighbor, but he took advantage of the fact that i was horny and we ended up fucking at my house.

During a hot summer afternoon, I decided to invite my neighbor to a free yoga class at my house. He had shown interest in yoga during our casual conversations, and it seemed like a good opportunity to help him relax and stay fit. Upon arrival, we settled into the living room, where the natural light and calm atmosphere created the perfect setting for a yoga session.
As we progressed through the postures, I felt my body respond in unexpected ways. The built-up tension was released and a feeling of euphoria and desire began to invade my senses. My neighbor, noticing my state, approached with concern and empathy. However, what began as a show of support soon transformed into something deeper and more passionate.
We found ourselves enveloped in an atmosphere charged with desire. The proximity and intimacy of the yoga practice acted as a catalyst, awakening in both of us an unstoppable attraction. Unable to contain ourselves, our bodies joined in a fiery and passionate embrace, giving

  • 00:23:32
  • Aug 05, 2024
  • 45


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