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feeder feeds redhead hottie who expands & gets stuck

Kaiia tricks Adora into eating this sandwich that has some magical powers to it... As she eats more and more, she very slowly starts to bloat and expand. Adora has no idea this is happening, Kaiia has completely tricked her! Kaiia needs Adora to finish her meal so she has the full effect and starts feeding her. Finally, Kaiia can tell it is working and suggests they go watch a movie. As Adora tries to get to her spot on the couch, she gets completely stuck between the couch and the wall. Kaiia tries pushing Adora out with her foot, but she is stuck stuck. Her expanded ass gets so stuck that they just have to wait for help to come! This video features stuck, feeding, feeder, feedee, eating, growing potion, potion, embaressment, struggling, stuck fetish, bloated belly, ass fetish, trapped, expansion.

  • 00:11:05
  • Aug 09, 2024
  • 68


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