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my brunette friend sucks my cock while we watch movies - em indica

My brunette friend, Em Indica, came over to my place to hangout and watch movies for the night. I thought it was just going to be a chill night since we had work all night. Apparently, Em had different ideas in her head. Throughout the movies, I got hints of her touching me, looking at me, and crossing her legs in a tempting way. I just brushed it over until at one point she decided to grab my cock which instantly got hard. I was going to say something but she began kissing me and I got into the heat of the moment. Next, she stroked my big throbbing cock in her tiny hands and stripped down naked. Her body was perfect and her throat was perfect for my cock. She worshipped every inch of it until I came all over her face.

  • 00:22:06
  • Aug 03, 2024
  • 220


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