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foot smelling revenge - addie juniper & star nine

Star Nine taunts Addie Juniper as she struggles mummified in saran wrap. While watching tv, and Addie insisted that she would escape easily if she were wrapped in plastic like the girl in the show. Addie asks Star to cut her out, but Star has an idea.
Star places a chair over Addie and sits in it, her feet near Addie s face. She s always wondered what it would be like to make someone smell her feet & this seems like the perfect opportunity. She just happens to be wearing well worn faux fur lined shoes. Addie grimaces as she slips them off & is visibly disgusted by Star s foot stench. Star places her bare feet over Addie s face so she has no choice but to inhale.
We fade out and and Addie has somehow turned the tables on Star - her chair is now upturned with her limbs tied to it. Since Addie had such a good time smelling Star s feet, she s decided to return the favor.
Rope Bondage, Foot Domination, Mummification, Bondage, Foot Fetish, Foot Smelling
Tags : bondage, mu

  • 00:14:21
  • Jan 03, 2023
  • 27


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