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passion wet thong panties

Nicoletta was a charming woman, with an enigmatic smile and a look that shone with a secret passion. At first glance, she seemed like an ordinary person, with an office job and a tidy apartment. But behind the facade of normality was hidden an eccentric soul and an unusual obsession: collecting panties.
Her small apartment was a riot of color and texture. Drawers overflowing with silk, cotton, lace and lycra, each with a story to tell. There were tiny and daring thongs, comfortable and reassuring briefs, vintage culottes and futuristic designs. Each pair of panties was a little treasure, carefully chosen and jealously guarded.
Nicoletta loved scouring second-hand markets, browsing the second-hand dealers stalls and getting lost in the most exclusive lingerie shops. The search for the perfect piece was an exciting adventure, a thrill that made her feel alive. And when she finally found a pair of panties that stole her heart, her joy was indescribable.
Her collection was not ju

  • 00:08:16
  • Jul 21, 2024
  • 25


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