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diapered after surgery messing and cumming

Welcome back from your surgery your very businesslike nurse, Sydney Paige, greets you. She s standing there holding a huge white diaper and explains she need to put it on you since you won t be able to freely walk around during recovery. She s very just matter of fact about it all. She proceeds to put the diaper on you, wiping you and putting lots of powder on. She tapes it up quickly when you complain that you tummy hurts. She encourages you to just push everything out but you really don t want to. Well, holding it all in isn t healthy so Sydney starts massaging your tummy and pushing gently down on it. OMG, this is SO humiliating... you re not going to be able to hold it and start filling your diaper, both front (pee) and backside!! P.U. it does smell. Sydney is intensely checking your diaper with her hands & feels that you re REALLY HARD in your pissy, messy diaper. Her hands touching it make you accidentally cum!!! Sydney s nurse colleague walks by and asks how her shift is g

  • 00:06:25
  • Jul 13, 2024
  • 46


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