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gabi - bondage, tickle, bastinado and humiliation.

I have Gabi tied up in the pose, with her large, slightly dirty soles fully exposed and at my disposal. My intention was to just tickle her, but as things progress, my nails start to dig harder into her soles, and the tickling quickly changes to intense scratching that makes her moan.
I like seeing Gabi in pain. That s why I use my bamboo stick on her feet, and I also make her lick and suck my big toe.
In the end, after spanking her in the face, I make her stick her tongue out. I love tongues, and I try a few strokes and of course, I squeeze it with my fingers and then keep it like that, so I can watch her agony.

  • 00:14:18
  • Jul 10, 2024
  • 65


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