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sexy and very horny girl from prague 6299h

Hi Guys I’m Michelle, a sexy and very horny girl from Prague. I’ve always had a thing for showing off especially if it was anything to do with sex. When I was young I was a cheerleader but I did care about sports at all, I just liked the fact that I could kick up my legs and show my cookie and ass. When I heard about this casting and the chance to have my sexy ass displayed to the world need to say I rushed right down to show off what I have. The casting itself didn’t take long at all and they told me that I did a really good job before sending to a room at the other end of the hall. I walked in the room all dolled up in a sexy black dress and black high heeled shoes but my favorite of all were my flesh toned fishnet pantyhose. I stood in front of the sofa and began caressing my body, slowly lifting my dress and rubbing my legs up and down and then I got on the sofa, making myself comfortable and started rubbing my legs and feet. I pulled my dress down and teased my nipples erect befor

  • 00:04:04
  • Oct 18, 2006
  • 26


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