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desperate slut begging to replace your wife - immeganlive

I play a friend of yours who decides she wants to replace your wife, leave her husband and win you away. She s an extraordinarily bratty submissive who is extremely horny all the time and is both anxious and self confident and needs you because you make her feel wanted unlike her husband. She knows that she is kinkier and better and will do anything to make you happy and knows that she can win you away by getting you to cum deeply in her and fuck her roughly and passionately. Nymphomaniac with *severe* anxiety who desperately needs you and wants you to treat her like total garbage while she begs for more degradation, and your dick and over and over for your cum. Super desperately need your cum to live absolute and complete desperation. It starts with me showing up at your house and seducing you with a coat with nothing underneath, playing up with my tits, my sluttiness and how much I love being spanked, slapped around, and treated like garbage. Complete self-degradation (talking how ab

  • 00:20:59
  • Oct 07, 2024
  • 312


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