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the time for ass is ny

I just had to show Jovan our new neighbors; Connie and Ny Ny. They are always in their backyard by the pool just oiling and lotioning, lotioning and oiling. It became to much. So I snuck him in their backyard so he can join in my agony. But Jovan being a giant got us busted. Luckily for us they are pretty cool and put on a show for us. They got naked and continued to oil and tease us with those juicy booties. Until Jovan thought it was an invitation to get naked with them. As soon as they saw how blessed Jovan was, they needed his dick in them asap. They sucked it together good, and when it was time to fuck he stretched Ny Ny to her capacity. But Connie was his kryptonite, all he could do was edge with her until he couldn t take it anymore and unloaded on both their faces. They let us know we could come over anytime and we no longer had to creep out on them. What good neighbors they are.

  • 00:49:39
  • Nov 21, 2023
  • 99


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