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muscle flexing humiliation shaming

You ve cum to your Muscle Mistress because I am the hottest, strongest, and most badass Goddess you have ever seen. Of course you beg me to shame and humiliate your weakass knowing that you could never be as strong and powerful as me!

Here s 11 minutes of MUSCLE FLEXING, showing off my COMPETITION BIKINI, and being sure to humiliate and shame you for the pathetic weakling that you are. Be in amazement at my physique, my muscles my strength, my lines & curves, the dedication it takes to be this powerful all while knowing you are the complete opposite and need to be fully submissive to your Muscle Mistress Simone!

You ve never experienced a Queen like me, watch and find out and I challenge you to see how long you can go before your pathetic weenies spills its spermies!

  • 00:10:55
  • Feb 02, 2024
  • 34


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