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ig greatest hits!

This is a compilation of 3 of the most popular in the moment foot worship sessions ever on my old IG account! (No, I no longer have an IG account because they suck! 👎🏻)

When these raw, hot, foot worship sessions showed up on my page, they were only available as the small 1 minute preview that IG allow. Even still, they were huge fan favourites that racked up a crazy amount of views! The first one actually went kinda viral, hitting over 200,000 views, and was largely responsible for why my page grew so fast in the first couple months I started it!

Now, for the first time, all 3 of these sessions are available together, in their entirety, exclusively for you guys on here! Watch Myles devour my feet and practically suck my toe nail polish off in 3 different sessions, showing me the erotic power of a good foot worshipping! 😁

-Gwen 💋

  • 00:09:21
  • Aug 06, 2024
  • 30


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