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step gay dad series - the wrong door - hotel footjob fiasco!

Manlyfoot Studios presents the latest episode in the acclaimed Step Gay Dad series, titled The Wrong Door. This installment is a must-watch for fans of male foot fetish, barefoot in shoes, and smelly feet themes, blending humor, intrigue, and unexpected twists.

Our beloved main character, the step dad, finds himself in a luxurious hotel room with a rare moment of solitude. As his family enjoys a day out, he decides to relax and maybe take a shower. However, when he opens the bathroom door, he is surprised to find a handsome stranger already inside.

Apologizing for the intrusion, the step dad can t help but notice subtle clues that this intriguing man might be gay and potentially interested in his feet. This revelation adds a layer of excitement and curiosity to their encounter.

As the episode unfolds, the step dad s hesitation about removing his sneakers becomes a focal point. Barefoot inside his shoes, his feet reek, adding to the tension and humour of the situa

  • 00:42:50
  • Jul 01, 2024
  • 540


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