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a nice warm day at the car wash

The sun beats on my back, but I don t care. I m here, at the car wash, with my trusty vacuum cleaner in hand, ready to give my car a good freshen up. I love these summer days, when I can dedicate myself to this ritual that relaxes me and makes me feel satisfied.
I put my hair in a high ponytail, put on my favorite shorts and a light tank top. The heat is intense, but the enthusiasm is even stronger. I start by vacuuming the seats, trying to reach every hidden corner. I like hearing the sound of the engine sucking away dust and crumbs, it s as if I were freeing my car from all impurities.
This little vacuum cleaner is small and very powerful and I even put it under the seat so you can look under the dress while I clean and remove all the crumbs.
Then, I grab the high-pressure nozzle and start spraying water everywhere. I love the feeling of fresh water flowing over the bodywork, washing away every trace of dirt. I bend down to wash the rims, being careful not to leave any stain

  • 00:13:03
  • Jun 30, 2024
  • 24


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